Does Sinusitis Cause Swollen Glands?

Have you ever felt inflammation on the jawline or neck amidst a sinus infection? Blockage of the sinus passages often leads to swelling and extensive facial pain. However, sometimes, the effects may also include swollen glands.
To ascertain if the swollen glands are due to sinusitis or other medical conditions, consulting a healthcare professional is important. At Juniper Allergy, we offer a wide range of treatment options for various medical conditions and allergies.
Sinusitis is a common medical condition that is prevalent across the globe. The development of swollen glands leads to the age-old question – “Does Sinusitis Cause Swollen Glands?” In this blog, we will understand sinusitis, the connection between swollen glands and sinusitis, and treatment methods.
Understanding Sinusitis
To understand what sinusitis is, it is vital to know more about sinuses. These are essentially air-filled cavities present in different areas of the face that are connected with narrow passages.
The onset of infection or triggering of allergies can inflame these cavities. As a result, there is an increase in mucus production, leading to congestion, pain, pressure in the face, and other symptoms.
There are mainly four types of sinusitis –
Acute: Generally caused by viruses such as cold, acute sinusitis lasts ten days to four weeks. Here, one can experience symptoms, such as nasal congestion, yellow or green mucus flowing from the nose, pain around the nasal passages, etc.
Chronic: While the symptoms of chronic sinusitis are more or less the same, it lasts longer compared to acute sinusitis. You can expect the symptoms to last around three months. The cause of chronic sinusitis is not always clear, but several factors like nasal polyps, allergies, immune system diseases, etc. can increase the risk.
Subacute: This category of sinusitis falls somewhere between chronic and acute sinusitis. It lasts for around 4-12 weeks. The symptoms are not as severe as acute sinusitis. However, you must get treatment as soon as possible for relief.
Recurrent: While occasionally suffering from acute sinusitis is typical, getting it frequently is a cause for concern. If you suffer from acute sinusitis four or more times in one year, it is termed as recurrent sinusitis.
Connection Between Sinusitis and Swollen Glands
Lymph nodes are a critical part of your body’s immune system. They protect the body from infections and aid in the destruction of abnormal cells. As a result, lymph nodes are crucial in helping the body fight against external threats (such as infections).
The detection of an infection causes the lymph nodes located nearby to swell. It is a response of the immune system to the incoming threat.
When sinusitis occurs, the lymph nodes surrounding the sinuses swell as an immune response. That leads to swollen glands underneath the jaw, behind the ears, and the neck.
Often, healthcare professionals look for enlarged lymph nodes or tenderness in facial areas to diagnose chronic sinusitis.
It is essential to understand that the swollen glands are an indication that the immune system of the body is working. If you observe closely, you will find that the swelling recedes when the infection is removed from the body.

Can Other Infections or Illnesses Cause Swollen Glands?
While swollen glands can be associated with sinusitis, that is not always the reason. It is vital to understand that other infections or illnesses can also lead to inflammation of the glands. These include the common cold, ear infection, etc. There are multiple medical conditions and issues that can evoke similar reactions.
That is why it is vital to opt for the consultation of a healthcare professional. Experts conduct various diagnostic tests to determine the exact cause and offer accurate treatments.
At Juniper Allergy, we perform comprehensive testing in order to find the cause of allergy and provide suitable treatments for the same.
Treatment and Prevention
Treatment of sinusitis requires the assistance of specialized healthcare professionals. Firstly, proper diagnosis needs to be done to determine the type of sinusitis the patient is suffering from. A thorough assessment is crucial to identify the causes and provide a conclusive treatment.
At Juniper Allergy, we create an individualized care plan tailored to the particular needs of the patients. Depending on the diagnosis, medication is given by the healthcare provider.
While treating sinusitis is possible, it is far more essential to adopt preventive measures. After all, the age-old dialogue – “prevention is better than cure” has great merit.
Here are some preventive measures to adopt to avoid sinusitis –
- Clean nasal passages regularly : Eliminating excess mucus from the nasal passages is crucial to prevent sinusitis from occurring in the first place. For that, you need to run water into the nasal passages gently. Make sure to do it twice every day – once in the morning and the other time at night.
- Practice steam inhalation:Steam aids in keeping the nasal passages clear. You might have opted for steam inhalation while suffering from the common cold. Use boiling water in a pan and cover your head with a towel. Now, inhale the steam and make sure to protect your face from the intense heat.
- Drink water: Hydration plays a significant role in ensuring the nasal passages are not blocked. If you tend to forget to have water at specific intervals, use an alarm clock for reminder.
Juniper Allergy: Enhancing Health through Allergy Solutions
A sinus infection coupled with swollen glands is a result of the body’s natural reaction to external threats. While it is initially harmless, visiting a professional healthcare is critical if the swelling persists or becomes worse. Treatment of sinusitis and practicing preventive habits can lead to healthy living.
As one of the best healthcare providers, Juniper Allergy offers comprehensive treatments for various medical conditions. We treat conditions such as allergic rhinitis, sinusitis, asthma, dermatographism, and more. Our allergy specialist, Dr. Amanda Trott-Gregorio is a highly recognized, board-certified Allergist/Immunologist – who offers high-quality treatments, transforming the lives of distressed patients.
If you want to know more or have any queries about the testing or treatment, you can get in touch with us via call, fill up the form, or send us an email.